Lease & Rental Agreement Forms
Note: When you create a lease in our lease wizard, two versions are generated: the version (outlined below) and a premium version that is specific to your U.S. state or Canadian province. The same process creates both the simple lease agreement and the full state-specific package.
Try creating this free lease agreement at any time, as a basic two-page free lease contract that can be accessed and edited at any time on our website. Both this and the state-specific lease are created simultaneously using our advanced lease wizard (questionnaire), but this version does not include state-specific clauses, disclosures or addendums, or custom clauses.
When you create this free lease contract, the ezLandlordForms system will also generate a full, state-specific lease package for you, for the sake of comparison. Both versions will be available to download and view after you’ve finished entering your selections in the lease wizard. In addition to state-specific clauses, the full lease package contains a variety of legal clauses designed to protect the landlord from liability and from tenant damages. It also includes your custom-entered clauses and all additional disclosures, addendums and informational documents that you select in the lease wizard.
You will have the opportunity to download and view both leases, and you may purchase the premium state-specific lease package if you so choose at that time. There is no limit on the number of free leases that you may create; your free account on will remain free and available indefinitely for you to access any of our free forms, ask questions in our landlord-tenant forum, run credit checks and criminal background checks and preview any of our premium forms.
Regardless of which version you decide to use, you will benefit from our State Assist/Province Assist tips, which will appear throughout the lease wizard as you fill out the lease’s details. As you need it, the system will provide tips about local laws and legal restrictions, from maximum security deposits that may be collected in your state or province, to limits on late fees, to tips on whether requiring renters insurance is legal in your state/province and much more information.
If you run a rental application and/or run tenant credit reports and criminal checks using, you can click one button to import all of the information into the printable rental agreement template.
Lease vs. Rental Agreement: The law defines both as the exact same document. In some parts of the United States, some landlords use the two terms to refer to different documents with different term types (e.g. a one year lease versus a month-to-month rental agreement). However this is simply a variation in local spoken language, not legal terminology. We offer a free sample rental agreement as well, which is the exact same document except it uses the term “rental agreement” instead of “lease agreement”. Month-to-month and fixed terms of any length are available in both the rental agreement template and this lease wizard.
This free rental lease agreement is perfect for proving residency or a casual agreement among family members, and the process of creating it alone provides an education about local laws.